
We need to carry out further archaeological investigations to the south of the Longfield site and along our cable route.  Trial trenching will be conducted at locations around the site using a JCB excavator. This involves digging shallow trenches to evaluate the archaeological potential of an area.

Surveys will be carried out in compliance with a Site Specific Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) which sets out the programme of archaeological evaluation and mitigation we need to carry out before construction begins. This has been secured through a requirement of our DCO consent.

Our Overarching WSI for the Longfield Solar Farm site can be read as part of our application here.

The findings of these surveys will inform the design and construction of Longfield, ensuring that we are sensitive to any buried archaeology within the site.

This work will be supervised by an experienced archaeologist and will take place over sixteen weeks. This is not expected to cause disruption.